Swallow Village Hall Association Newsletter - April 2022

Goodbye 2021!
Although it was disappointing to have to cancel the Christmas Party once again due to the Covid flare up, at least we were able to enjoy warm mince pies and mulled wine whilst Father Christmas and his elves distributed selection boxes to the children outside the Village Hall.
Tuesday Afternoon Tea & Cake (and Games!).
- Since 1st February, nine Afternoon Teas have taken place. These have become quite popular with up to 25 villagers attending.
- Donations to Village Hall Running Costs have totalled £140. Pop along on Tuesdays between 2pm and 4pm.
Thursday Morning Coffee & Toasted Teacake (and Puzzles!)
- Three coffee mornings have been held raising £52 towards Village Hall Running Costs and £70 for the Royal Hospital for Neuro Disability. It was good to see some new faces.
Pop along on Thursdays between 10am and 12 noon.
Friday April 8th Social Evening.
- Entertainment to be provided by Colin Stevens. Tickets include Supper. Contact John or Claire on 371174
Queen's Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea.
- Friday 3rd June from 2pm. To be entertained by Jooles Britannia. Full details to follow later.
Parquet Floor
- Now that the Parquet floor has fully dried out and the minimal damage assessed, the whole floor will be cleaned and polished professionally in the coming weeks.
Private Hire
- The Village Hall has been used several times for Private Hire with Covid sanitisation by the hirers keeping everyone safe.
- It was with much sadness that at the March committee meeting, the committee reluctantly accepted the resignation of Arthur our deputy chair, to be effective from the AGM. Arthur has made a hugely valuable contribution to the effective running of the Village Hall Association. Whilst he has retired from the committee he generously stated that he will continue to help and support whenever he is able.
The Village Hall Association AGM will take place on Thursday 5th May at 6pm. The object of the Association is to provide a Village Hall for the use of the inhabitants of the villages of Swallow and Cuxwold including use for meetings, lectures, and classes and for other forms of recreation and leisure time occupation, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants. All inhabitants of Swallow and Cuxwold of 18 years and upwards are entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting. All members of the committee retire from office at the end of the Annual General Meeting, but they may be re-elected or appointed. We are actively seeking younger and fitter members of the community, who are willing to help with the running of your Village Hall.
The Agenda for the meeting will include:
- The Management Committee’s report for the year.
- The Accounts for the Year.
- The election of Members of the Committee.
After 18 years, nearly 100 Committee Meeting Minutes and over 25 Grant Applications, the current secretary is hanging up her one typing finger. If you are interested in this post please have a word with John on 371174